The Change
I had it all planned out, how the future of Actichem was going to be, but God had other plans. The winds of change were about to blow our way. In 2003, I fell ill. Without going to so much detail, I wasn’t able to go back to work ever again.
I wouldn’t tell you how much devastation this brought to our company and our family, but I will tell you how God worked in an amazing way in our lives and in Actichem. He brought salvation to our family. He restored what needed restoring and fixed what needed fixing. And He brought the greatest change in our company: He put my husband, Felix Peru, at the helm. He was the best candidate, considering that Actichem is more of a family business than an empire. The problem was, Felix is a mechanical engineer by profession and had worked in the Food Industry for nearly two decades.
But with God nothing is impossible.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was with Felix from day 1. It was a difficult few years what with my illness and a business to learn and a company to steer through turbulent waters. But He saw us through it all. He brought Actichem to new and greater heights and blessed it beyond all expectations. God is the One at the helm – all praise, honor, thanksgiving and glory to His name!
Our suppliers stuck with us. I would like to especially mention Ichimaru, Ajinomoto, and Marcor. Their support to our company and clientele is remarkable – more power and success to them!
Over the years, God grew Actichem and enlarged its territory. There are now more or less 70 active clients and 25 or so well-loved product offerings and these continue to increase by God’s abundant grace.
So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. (1 Cor. 3:7)
So, celebrate with us as we remember the goodness of the Lord and declare His mighty and wondrous works. We look forward to even brighter and more beautiful tomorrows!
And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth… (Debut. 8:18)
~ Rina R. Peru
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