Neem Leaf Liquid is an extract of the leaves of the neem tree, a product of Ichimaru Pharcos of Japan.
The neem tree is an evergreen which is widely cultivated in tropical countries like India and Sri Lanka. Neem has been used cosmetically and medicinally for thousands of years and is considered to be an equal, or even superior, to aloe in its healing properties. Researchers say that Neem could be called a “wonder tree” as every part of it is used in some form on a daily basis: the twigs as toothbrush, the oil for soap, and the leaves to maintain beautiful and healthy skin.
Traditionally, neem has been used to heal heat rashes, boils, wounds, skin blemishes, and other skin disorders. The main components of neem extract are nimbin, nimbinine, nimbandiol, nimbolide, and quercetin.
- Skin whitening: inhibitory effect on B16 melanoma cells
- Anti-inflammatory: inhibitory effect on cyclogenase activity
- Promotion of lipase activity
The combination of the whitening and anti-inflammatory activities of neem extract makes it an effective skin whitening agent. According to research, prostaglandin and histamine, which cause inflammation, are the precursors in the activation of tyrosinase.