Dermaveil is an extract of the bark of the white willow tree from the Salix family Salicaceous. It is a product of Ichimau Pharcos of Japan.
The main components of the bark of the white willow are phenolic glycosides (such as salicin, salicortin, acetyl salicin, picein, etc.), catechins, and flavonoids. Salicin is a phenolic glycoside contained in willows and aspens in large quantities. It is known as a material that is related to acetyl salicylic acid, the most important discovery in the history of medicine.
Salicin, which is one of the main active substances in Dermaveil, is believed to be first transformed into Salicyl Alcohol (Saligenin) and then, into Salicylic Acid in the skin. Salicylic Acid is commonly used as a skin peeling agent. If Salicin is gradually transformed into Salicylic Acid in the skin, it is expected to perform a mild peeling activity.
Dermaveil’s main activity is the improvement of skin roughness. Used by Shiseido and Kanebo, both high-end Japanese cosmetic brands which are famous worldwide.
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