PrincessCare is an extract of the geranium plant, a product of Ichimaru Pharcos of Japan.
Studies performed by Ichimaru showed that Tryptase protein stimulates the degradation of the skin’s extracellular matrix. In a skin that is exposed to UV light, the amount of Tyrptase markedly increases resulting to skin photo aging. It was further clarified that Tryptase specifically destroys type IV collagen. Type IV collagen makes up the major matrix of the skin basement membrane. Thus, it is considered that one of the major causes of skin photo aging is the increased activity of Tryptase near the basement membrane region.
A Tryptase inhibitor, therefore, can be expected to prevent the skin from photo aging by protecting the basement membrane. PrincessCare, an extract of Geranium Robertianum L., was found to have excellent inhibitory effect on Tryptase.
Skin benefits:
- Improvement of skin elasticity
- Reduction of wrinkles
- Skin moisturization
- Whitening activity
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